What is Safe Perfume?

Toxins are everywhere in our modern world. You will find toxins in food, hygiene products, clothing, cars, kitchenware, and cosmetics: the list goes on and extends into almost every sector of our modern world. The degree of toxicity varies, but the toxins exist, nonetheless. Removing ourselves from all toxic exposure is impossible (unless you want to go live a primal life on some deserted island and never speak to people again). However, we are still responsible for making every reasonable (or financially practical) attempt to reduce our toxic load.

Studies from literature published up to 2020 have proven that certain synthetic ingredients commonly used in perfume manufacturing are toxic to human health. VOCs, phthalates, aldehydes, parabens, and aluminium-based salts are the most toxic ingredients. (Source: National Institute of Health) These harmful ingredients can cause skin irritation, allergies, cancer, reproductive disorders (especially in males), nervous system damage, and migraines. Our skin provides a close connection to our bloodstream, allowing toxins to absorb through our skin directly into the bloodstream. The effects of toxic perfume ingredients are not necessarily immediate. However, exposure to these toxins throughout a person's life can have severe consequences.

"If these ingredients are so bad, why do perfume manufacturers use them?" you ask. These synthetic ingredients are used for various roles, particularly in the fragrance of perfumes, to increase the scent life of the perfume on your skin, and as an antibacterial and stabiliser. The scent life is a common problem people mention when switching to safe perfume. Making a perfume with the same scent life is challenging without these toxic ingredients. You will still get a decent scent life from a safe perfume; however, expect to reapply sooner. 

Due to the nature of trade secret protections, perfume ingredients are rarely disclosed to the public. An ingredient may be listed as 'fragrance'; however, the fragrance is usually a concoction of dozens to hundreds of individual ingredients. Without digging for more information, it is virtually impossible to know whether your perfume has a genuine, safe ingredient list. Generally, it is probably unsafe if they are unwilling to advertise it as 'safe'.

Now, we must address here that this does not mean the statement's inverse is true. Not every perfume labelled 'safe' is the best choice for you. The Safe Perfumery believes safe perfumes should have a primarily natural ingredient list with minimal use of safe synthetics. The perfume industry is known for an occasional 'greenwashing'. Greenwashing is when a company advertises a product as natural, safe, eco, green-friendly, etc., without clearly defining what those terms mean. This conveys a false impression to the customer: greenwashing.

Safe perfume has become a very confusing industry. Words like safe, natural, non-toxic, natural-based, plant-based, and essential oil-based get thrown around as if they are all the same. However, they are not all the same things. An advertised "natural-based" or "plant-based" perfume may have one natural ingredient. Some perfumes that are 'natural-based' have more synthetic ingredients than natural ones! Once again, this is greenwashing.

This is where our role comes in at The Safe Perfumery. We dig through all this confusing information to find legitimately safe perfumes that contain a substantial majority of natural ingredients with minimal use of safe synthetics.

Not all synthetics are harmful, and some companies still choose to use known safe synthetics to enhance the performance and shelf-life of their perfumes. As mentioned earlier, while we advertise perfumes with safe synthetics, we ensure that they are used minimally in the perfumes we advertise. Perfume designers are realising the need to increase the production of safe perfumes. Many of these companies also commit to using only natural plant-based ingredients without any synthetics. You can find 100% natural perfumes recommended on our website.

All the perfumes recommended on this site are either completely natural, plant-based formulas or use a combination of natural ingredients and known safe synthetics; no greenwashing. I will not advertise you a perfume that has questionable ingredients. You can rest assured that the perfume you choose from my website will be free of known toxic substances.

Today, safe perfumes are just as affordable as their toxic equivalents. You don't need to continue using them. Safe Perfumes come in various scent families and styles to suit your nose. It's time to make the switch and purchase a Safe Perfume. Please browse our website to find top-reviewed, high-quality, safe perfumes.


How to Make Your Perfume Last Longer!